Wednesday, November 2, 2022

How to use the unique Description each and every Blog Post In Blogger

unique Description each and every Blog Post In Blogger

The meta tag is an important tag for every website. Using this meta tag search engines will find what website this and web site talking about what. The Google Search Engine will bring your site URL to the search result with the help of the meta tag. Meta tag contains two important things called Keywords and description. In the Blogger You will describe your blogger. it will be general information about your blog and convey the information to search engines about what blog and what you do in your blog.

What difficulty in this description section means you will describe your blogger default description apply for all pages. How to apply unique descriptions on each page in blogger posts.

Now if you want to give a unique description for your blog post, you will add the description in the new post section. Click the New post button to open the new post and you will see the Search Description on the right side lost option.

Click to open the search description and enter your description for your blog post there. Click to save, after describing a blog post.

Now how to apply different descriptions for different posts. If you open your home page of the blog it will apply the description you have given in the setting search preference section. And if you open any blog post, it will apply the description given in the blog post search description.

How to call this different description as per page load?

Copy and paste the below code into the blogger template head part

<b:if cond='data:blog.metaDescription != &quot;&quot;'>
          <meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' name='description'/>

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