Monday, May 27, 2024

Using the prompt() Method in JavaScript

Using the prompt() Method in JavaScript

The prompt() method facilitates interaction with users by displaying a dialog box that requests input from them. This box allows users to enter various types of information, such as strings, numbers, or special characters.

When invoked, the prompt box pops up with a text input field, along with OK and Cancel buttons. If the user provides input and clicks OK, the script waits until the prompt box is closed before proceeding with further actions.

Should the user opt to cancel by clicking the Cancel button, the prompt box will close, and the script won't progress any further.


prompt("Your question goes here", "Default value here");

The prompt() function takes two parameters: the question or prompt text (in the first parameter) and an optional default value (in the second parameter). The default value, if provided, appears pre-filled in the input field.


var userName = prompt("Please enter your name", "John Doe");

In this example, the user is prompted to enter their name, with "John Doe" pre-filled in the input field as the default value.

Note: It's common practice to assign the result of a prompt to a variable for further processing in the script.

You can incorporate the prompt() method into your JavaScript code to gather user input and tailor the application's behavior accordingly.

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